Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I love the necklace

So I found a buyer for the necklace.
The one fucktard bought me. This one right here.

I've been wearing it alot lately. My best friend loves it and she keeps telling me that I am so lucky to have so many slaves that buy me such cool and expensive stuff. I suggested that she have her boyfriend buy it for her.

He showed up with the money yesterday but I changed my mind. I love the necklace now. It's mine. It's pretty. I don't want to sell it. She's pissed. I don't care. She'll get over it.

Fucktoysean sent me the gc for the new one. I haven't decided which one to pick yet. I'll keep everyone posted.

Also, I will be posting assignments that you can buy in the next few days. Keep checking my blog for them.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

My necklace arrived today

So my necklace arrived today. I was so fuckin excited.

It's so funny. I always seem to get the same UPS delivery guy. Today he said your such a lucky girl. Who keeps sending you prezzies? I just smiled and signed for my package. He was cute but he's just a loser ups guy. He can't afford me.

So about my necklace. When I opened the package, I was disappoined. It didn't quite look like the pic. Actually it didn't look at all like the pic. The white gold was really dull. Anyways, I'm pissed. I want another one. I guess I will have to sell this one. Grrrrrrrrr

I did promise to take a pic wearing the damn thing but now. Forget that shit. I want a new one. A completely different one. Sean you will be punished for this. Also, I've sent you a fine.

Sean you stupid fucktard I want you to replace it. Get this One right Here instead!!!!!

1)Also, pay the fine cuntwad. Do it asap!
2)Call me asap.
3)Call the financial domination line. It's 11:00am your time right now and you are probably too drunk to find the button. So just click here fucker.>>>>

Thursday, June 7, 2007

I love prezzies

I just got a email today from one of my suckers. He told me that he had just purchased a necklace for me from Due to his spending on gift certificates, phone calls, and tributes. This dumb fuck has managed to spend his entire pay check on me in a few hours. Every time he went to add money. I'd hang up. He was just too stupid to realize.
Here is a pic of the necklace.

Anyways, I'm so excited. I can't wait for it to arrive. This guy has given me thousands in gift certificates and tributes. I love it!!! Sucker!!!
Click this link so that you can Spend your paycheck on my wishlist too